Confident – Compassionate – Generous – Creative – Dynamic – Stubborn – Possessive – Proud

Represented by the lion, these spirited fire signs are the kings and queens of the celestial jungle. They are radiantly joyful, liberal with their appeal and endowments. They’re delighted to embrace their royal status: Vivacious, theatrical, and passionate. Leos love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate themselves.They are fiercely proud, confident ,loving and creative.
Their planetary ruler is the Sun, and so they are talented at bringing warmth, life and light into the relationships that are important to them. Many Leos will have a large group of friends that adore them. They have a kind of natural charisma which often makes other signs gravitate towards them. The generous Leo lives to speak its mind.
The truest humanitarians, they gift the world with the readiness to protect and serve.
Leos despise small mindedness and nit-picking. However, they may be obstinate, strict, and inflexible at times.

Symbol – Lion
Element- Fire
Favourable colors- Gold, Red, Orange
Ruling Planet- Sun
Stone- Peridot, Carnalion, Diamond, Ruby, Sardonix
Ruling number- 1, 4, 8

Project Details

  • Acrylic on canvas

  • Size- 24 x 24 inches

  • Year 2021